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Conversion of Business

Conversion of One Person Company to Private Limited Company
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

Under section 2 (62) of company act 2013 One Person company mean company incorporated under company’s act 2013 having only one person as a member. It is new form of business which is came into existence through companies act in year 2013. It is form of

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Conversion of Private limited to Public Limited Company
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

As per companies act 2013, a private limited company is a company incorporated under this act or previous act having a restriction in articles for not transferring its shares to the public and the maximum number of members is not more than 200. Were as a

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LLP Conversion into Company
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

An alternative corporate business form that gives the benefits of limited liability of a company and the flexibility of a partnership is known as limited liability Partnership (LLP). The LLP can continue its existence irrespective of changes in the partne

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Conversion of Private limited Company to section 8 Company
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

The company incorporated under section 8 with objectives such as the promotion of commerce, art, science, sport, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, and environmental protection or any other object, shall use its revenues if any, or an

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Conversion of Private Company into LLP
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

As per the business strategy company wishes to convert them into an LLP and the governing section for Conversion of Company into LLP is section 56, Third Schedule and Fourth Schedule of the LLP Act, 2008.

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