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Change in Business

Share Purchase Agreement
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

A Share Purchase Agreement is made between a buyer and a seller of shares of a target firm. Typically, share purchase agreements state that the buyer will assume all or a large portion of the Company’s undertakings. In this case, the purchaser would be

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Buy-Back Compliance
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

The process by which Company buy-back it’s Shares from the existing Shareholders usually at a price higher than the market price is known as buyback of shares. Situation when the Company buy-back the Shares, the number of shares outstanding in the marke

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Company Share Transfer
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

The share transfer is a process through which the transferring of share takes place between the existing person or from existing person to the third person. Transferability of shares are govern under companies article. The securities like equity share are

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Increase in Authorized Share Capital
For more info call us at 9999 139 391

The maximum limit of share capital up to which a company can issue its share to shareholders is known as authorized capital. A company is not authorized to issue paid-up capital beyond authorized capital. If the company proposes to issue shares beyond aut

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