Pursuant to the 1948 Factory Act, it is compulsory for each factory owner to register their premises with local authorities before starting a business.
Food processing and food packaging have an important role to play today. Some technologies and techniques have been introduced to make the product more attractive and more hygienic.
Non - banking finance firms (NBFCs) are an integral part of the Indian financial system. They play an important role in complementing the banking sector by providing credit to unbanked segments of society, in particular micro, small and medium - sized ent
Extended Producer Responsibility [EPR] is a legislative strategy implemented by industrialized nations in order to encourage and promote the reuse, recycling, and eco-friendly disposal of electronic and polymer waste.
Extended Producer Responsibility [EPR] is a legislative strategy implemented by industrialised nations in order to encourage and promote the reuse, recycling, and eco-friendly disposal of electronic and polymer waste.
Electrical and electrical waste (e -waste) is one of the world's fastest rising discharges.
Starting a business is not an easy task, for starting your business you need to know about many things before you start.
All the business which are operating in the market and want to get a legal existence and want avail benefits under MSME scheme can get register themselves under MSME,
Startup businesses need to buy equipment, rent offices, and hire employees. In almost every case they'll need to do these things outside of the capital.
The Government of India has taken several proactive measures over the past month to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus.
RBI as announced special refinance facilities to NABARD, SIDBI, and NHB for a total amount of INR 50,000 crore at the policy repo rate, this package is introduced to cater to various sections including cottage industry, MSMEs, Labours, Middle Class, Etc.
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From Mumbai Recently Purchased @Partnership Firm Registration